
Commission: Ice Cream Fiesta

Hi all

I guess I will try my best to get back to blogging/vlogging/facebooking my crafts.

Since 2013, it has been mostly kits from Japan that I fiddle with. I did also get into resin craft and I took part in Maker Faire Singapore 2015 with a class project. I hadn't cut off craft and arts from my life but it just gets hard to do it.

I have a lot of respect for people doing this.

In any case, this is a craft commission from 2013 September. That was the first semester of university studies.

It is supposed to be for a doll.

What I found hardest about this was the flavours. How many flavours can you come up with without them all looking like cream or chocolate toned?

It went better than expected and I really like the end result.

I guess the next post will be an update on my resin craft, Maker Faire SG 2015.

I have been considering a rebranding. Out of randomness I came up with the name Rainbow Sashimi but I may change it to something. I don't know what, but something.

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